A review of 2023: Surprises, Triumphs, and Failures

It’s the end of 2023, and as I look back on the year, I can only say that it was a year full of research. I remember the days spent in front of the computer, reading papers, and conducting experiments. Of course, there were other events this year, including the creation of this blog (yay!). So, I decided it would be nice to write a review of 2023, to reflect on this year and to prepare for the next year.

Surprises of 2023

Things that happened in 2023 that I didn’t expect.

A new research topic - LLM security

The most significant technical surprise of 2023 might be the development of ChatGPT. I found ChatGPT and its use of plugins, along with its interaction with Non-ML programs, to be very interesting. I decided to investigate more on this topic and realized it was a new research area that I could work on. Delving into this topic, I somehow ended up understanding more about old-school security models and information flow control. This even led me to gain deeper understanding on the security papers I read previously. Currently working on other projects, but I am eager to continue on this topic as soon as I finish them!

New research collaboration.

This year, I was fortunate to have a new collaboration with excellent researchers to enhance the previously rejected paper. I am very proud of the work we did together and hope that it will be accepted. It was a great experience. Lesson learned: Reaching out brings new opportunities.

Another new research topic - ARM MTE side-channel

From the previous collaboration, I also got a chance to work on a new research topic: ARM MTE side-channel (officially disclosed this month!) I am very excited on this project, and I hope that we can complete it with a good result.

Triumphs of 2023

Things that I am proud of in 2023.

Morning routine

I have been trying to wake up early for a long time. Starting a day early is a common advice for productivity, and for me, it was about avoiding the morning traffic jam in Seoul. The only working solution was the morning exercise routine. I enjoyed morning swimming from March to November and switched to yoga from December. This habit allows me to arrive at the lab earlier than others and have my own time focusing on my work. I’m very pleased with this routine and hope to continue it next year. I believe no one who knows me would believe that I am now a morning person. Still, I ocassionally oversleep, so my goal for the next year is to establish a more consistent morning routine.

New blog

I launched this blog this summer. Although I haven’t written much yet, it is good to have a place to write. I admit that I am still shy about sharing my ideas publicly, and I haven’t managed to write regularly. However, I hope to write more in the next year.

Studying English

I re-joined the English speaking group I participated years ago and felt my English has quite improved. I consistently took italki lessons as well. One day, I accidentally joined a group class for C1 level students. The students really challenged me, letting me realize that I still have a long way to go.

Unfulfilled goals of 2023

Things that I wanted to do in 2023 but failed to do so.

Getting paper accepted

The paper I submitted this year faced rejection, despite I believed I had done everything I could. It was a puzzling result. My advisor reassured me that it was a good paper and if I keep working on it, it would be accepted one day.. Anyway, I quickly re-submitted to another venue. After that, I realized my previous rejection was due to failing to satisfy one reviewer’s seemingly trivial demands. It is painful to go through another round of review process, and it was a worthwhile lesson learned. With several other interesting projects in progress, I am optimistic that I’ll have more opportunities to achieve this goal in the coming year.


  • Reading books: Started multiple books but failed to finish any of them..;-)
  • Consistent wake-up time: My sleep schedule is still inconsistent. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule is next year’s goal.
  • Being nice to others: This one wasn’t actually planned, but I realized this year it would be beneficial to everyone if I am a bit nicer.